Our diversified product base station design that is capable of recording many mass measurement comprehensively.
Starting from harmful pollutants, meteorological aspects (wind speed and direction, rainfall) particulate material, noisy, until the intensity of solar radiation.
Sensync Base Series is designed to be able to send the data directly to the server and stored in the database. Periodically , Sensync Bace will read transduction measurement with process data from sensors or measuring devices into the signal transmission through the Internet connection via HTTP.
Various physical quantities that are able to be measured by Sensync Base among others : humidity and ambient air temperature ,air pollutant gases ( NO2 , O3 , CO , H25 , SO2 , NH3 , VOC ) ,solid particulate ( PM 10 , PM 2.5 , TSP ) gases glass ( CO2 , CH4 ), aspects of meteorological (wind speed, wind direction, rainfall), noise , and intensity of solar radiation.